From the Highest Branch (Novelty & Awarded)

From the highest branch of her tree - a giant twice the size of a diplodocus - Elsa watches the neighbourhood and spends her days imagining the beginning of the world. Her tree was already there when sabre-toothed tigers and mammoths in woollen coats ruled the land. Today, Elsa wants to build a raft to spend the night up there. But her father forbids her to go back up. «Why?» she asks him. The answer goes through her heart like a dagger...

© Hélène Deblois (text) & Émilie Leduc (illustration) | M.Ed

Specs.: 195 X 260 mm; Hardcover; 40 pages; Ages 5+

Awards & Mentions: dPictus curated

Rights available in all languages worldwide, except French in Canada.

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